A selected portion of an answer I gave to a media member was
published in the recent Wareham Courier. I am providing the full
question and answer here to restore the context that was taken out in
the article. I do knot know why the journalist chose to cut out any
mention of administration responsibility for discipline.
"What instructions/training or provided by Wareham Public Schools to assist teachers in enforcing discipline among students?"
I'm surprised
to receive this question, as this is the administration's determination
of policy and procedure. However, I can say that the Wareham Public
Schools are expected to operate according to the discipline code
explained in each school's handbook, and enacted by the School
Committee. At the secondary level, teachers have the right to assign
detentions and in-classroom consequences to maintain discipline in class
so all students can learn; at the elementary level, detentions can be
assigned only by administrators. Educators may not assign in-school or
out-of-school suspensions, or Friday after-school detention. Educators
also may write discipline referrals, and administration is expected to
assign consequences according to the discipline code. In urgent
situations, educators are to try to reach an administrator for help.
During those times no administrator is available